SEMINAR DESCRIPTION: These seminars are designed to improve proficiency with the application of manual examination and treatment procedures for the orthopaedic physical therapist. The full course is a comprehensive series of seminars that enables the participant to attain high level skills in manual examination and treatment procedures for common musculoskeletal conditions. SEMINAR OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to: • Improving clinical reasoning for common musculoskeletal conditions within the context of (a) Description of Specialty Practice in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy published by the Orthopaedic Specialty Council, APTA and (b) the Guide to Physical Therapist Practice by the APTA. • Learning new skills for manual therapy, movement assessment and exercise prescription 85% of class time is devoted to hands-on lab time • Refining old skills to improve effectiveness and avoidance of falling into common pitfalls • Integrating pain science into clinical practice to improve effectiveness with managing chronic conditions enabling participants in this course to improve their effectiveness with physical therapy management of patients who have mental disorders co-existing with their physical disorders. • Providing a framework to assist in studying for the OCS exam INSTRUCTORS: Daniel Kirages, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT and Sean Johnson PT, DPT, OCS SEMINAR DATES: (Class runs from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. daily) January 10-11, 2015: Pelvic Girdle (Daniel Kirages) January 31-Feb 1: Management of the Low Back (Daniel Kirages) March 7-8, 2015: Management of the Thoracic Spine and Ribs (Sean Johnson) April 11-12, 2015: Management of the Hip and Knee (Daniel Kirages) June 6-7, 2015: Management of the Ankle and Foot (Daniel Kirages) July 11-12, 2015: Management of the Cervical Spine (Daniel Kirages) August 29-30, 2015: Management of the Shoulder (Sean Johnson) October 10-11, 2015: Management of the Elbow, Wrist & Hand (Sean Johnson) Course Location: USC Professional Education Center 8830 S. Sepulveda Blvd. 2nd Floor Los Angeles, California 90045 REGISTRATION FEES: 16-day series Individual Registration: $2500 16-day series USC Alumni/USC Clinical Instructor: $2200 2-day module Individual Registration:$450 2-day module USC Alumni/ Clinical Instructor: $395 COMPTSIG members receive a 15% discount: use discount code: COMPTSIG (COMPTSIG membership cannot be combined with any other discount) CEU'S: 1.5 CEU's per 2 day Module 12 CEU's for 16 day series Register online at: